NSAC: Beyond the Bog \ Ocean Spray

Alternate title: Droga5 stole our work (not actually stole, more on that later). For the National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC) my senior year, we crafted a campaign to make Ocean Spray relevant to a younger audience, finally toppling ever-perennial 2 Guys in a Bog. Since younger millennials are pretty weary of corporations, we forged a Cranspiracy around OS's co-operative business model in order to once and for all answer, "...wtf is a co-operative business model?"​ After all, farmers running a brand this big does seem pretty suspicious……..

As the creative director & copy lead for Mizzou’s team, I helped take us all the way to 3rd place in Nationals, as well as inspire some real-world work.


Shouts to Droga5.

Despite our work placing third, Ocean Spray released a campaign in collab with Droga5 just a few months after the competition— their first full creative departure from their famous 'Bog Guys' in over a decade. Look familiar? You be the judge.

As far as I’m concerned, having a hand in helping reshape Ocean Spray’s next creative steps as students sure as hell beats placing over Syracuse.


Checkout the plansbook for our whole strategy/tactic layout, including escape rooms, sustainability partnerships, in-store AR experiences, and more super cool stuff & things.

Agency: NSAC Mizzou Team \ CD: Patrick LaBelle

CW: Caleb Bishop, Mackenzie Thomas, Jenn Fabian \

AD: Christine Orzechowski \ Designers: Olivia Thoelke, Christy Prust \ Video: Zhongyang Lyu, Amanda Moy
